PlatformTemplate LibraryCorporate Leaderboard


Create a visual representation of how each product, person, team or department ranks, on Vibe's workplace digital signage

Unlike year-end performance reviews, leaderboards show performance in real-time, so staff can get a transparent, up-to-date understanding of how they're performing. For internal communicators, leaderboards are one way of adding gamification to the workplace. It has been shown to improve employee engagement and motivate employees.

How do you use a Leaderboard in your workplace?

Show top performing salespeople
Use this leaderboard as a ranking system that shows employees, teams or departments where they stand compared to their peers in terms of workplace performance.

Rank bestsellers
This slide can be used to show how products are performing, like which items are hot sellers.

Identify and recognise star performers
This slide provides companies with a visual representation of how each person, team or department is progressing and who the top performers within the organisation.

How do I start using templates?

Already a client?
Login to your Portal, then follow the
How-to Article for step-by-step instructions to setup the slide.

Not a client yet?
You'll need a Vibe Subscription to discover how easy it is to visually communicate with your workforce.

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